Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lyrics to my wife's YouTube video: Forever Your Lord by Theresa Turk-Stevenson

Here are the lyrics to my wife's YouTube video: Forever Your Lord by Theresa Turk-Stevenson

Forever Your Lord
Theresa Turk-Stevenson

Forever love,
Forever peace,
Forever your Lord
Across moonlit meadows and waves of sand.

 Joy in your Lord you will find when you follow His way.
His call is like a heartbeat --
  Deep within you, it gives you life.

Forever love,
Forever peace,
Forever your Lord
Across moonlit meadows and waves of sand.

You have traveled many roads in the darkness of death.
Your heart is full of sorrow.
Though in secret borne, your cares He knows.

  Forever love,
Forever peace,
Forever your Lord
Across moonlit meadows and waves of sand.

Now is the time for reflection and prayer.
Your Lord is ever guiding
You to Him whose love reaches all.

Forever love,
Forever peace,
Forever your Lord
Across moonlit meadows and waves of sand.

Go to the ends of the earth where He beckons you on.
Seek only His goodness
And you will be His for eternity.

Forever love,
Forever peace,
Forever your Lord
Across moonlit meadows and waves of sand.

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